The following is the text of a statement read by Councilperson Cynthia Brock at the Wednesday, November 16th meeting of the Planning and Economic Development…
Ithaca Crime
A burglary at Botanist Coffeehouse & Floristry was reported on Saturday morning, November 11th. UPDATE: Ring video footage of the break-in has been released. It…
The Mary Durham Boutique, a non profit used clothing store for women, was burglarized at some point over the weekend. A window on the rear…
“I do not know what the mayor’s talking about when he talks about the discretionary funds,” City Controller Steve Thayer said at the October 22nd, 2022…
A fire and explosion was reported in Ithaca’s “Jungle” around 7:20 PM on Wednesday, the 27th of October. The blaze was quickly extinguished by the…
The window of St. John’s Community Services, an agency that shelters people experiencing homelessness, was broken by a drug user upset he did not have…
“It seems like some of the people that have been traditionally camping inside the city are actually moving to the Town of Ithaca,” Legislator Shawna…
At the recent meeting of the Tompkins County Public Safety Committee, Legislator Rich John discussed the near doubling of 911 calls related to overdose, a…
Photos from a walkthrough of portions of the “Jungle” drug encampments in Ithaca’s West End show burned out camps, vast amounts of trash, discarded hypodermic…
Site of frequent violence & overdoses, the Southern Tier AIDS Program (STAP) building on State street has been enclosed with a steel fence. Approval for…