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Outdoor Store on Ithaca Commons Robbed by Gang of Child Thieves

Ithaca’s Outdoor Store on The Ithaca Commons was flash robbed by a gang of approximately seven child thieves around 2:10 PM, Tuesday the 15th of August, 2023.

Outdoor Store owner Dan Philipson described the robbery as an organized theft, with a “ring leader” directing the youth. “It was like a gang,” Phillipson said. “She wasn’t touching nothing. But she had all these little kids stealing.” The ring leader was described as a heavy set black female, approximately 5’6″ tall.  

Phillipson was less than pleased with the police response.

“They didn’t ask for IDs. They didn’t look at the bag. They were stealing. We knew it. We caught them. They let’em all go,” Phillipson said.

“The first officer who responded was good, but there were too many. There were seven of them. The second two cops made the kids dance. They were so empowered,” Phillipson said.

A total of three of the four officers on shift responded to the call.

“The police came, didn’t check any of their bags, and let them walk out with my shit,” Phillipson said. “The only things we got back are what we pulled off of their person.”

An Ithaca Police official explained that “the complainant was irate” and “not cooperative to a level where we could secure a statement from him.”

“We can’t detain juveniles for low level offenses without taking the proper legal steps, which require a proper investigation,” the official said.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous Anonymous September 1, 2023

    I was there witnessed this event the police account is a total lie.
    When the second officers arrived they simply stated “we’re not going to do anything about it”
    Dan was visibly shaken but not Irate, he was just in a tussle with the girls.
    he just joked afterwards and said I’ll be fine.
    What’s Happening to the Commons people? It’s no longer a safe place to go!

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