UPDATE 3/26/22: Ithaca Crime has acquired security camera footage of the spray paint vandalism at City Hall on August 8th, 2021. Spray paint is still faintly visible in the stone façade of the building. Similar graffiti connected to this incident presumably referencing Alan Godfrey’s murder has been updated to reflect appreciation to the Ithaca Police Department.

UPDATE 8/10/21 5:33 PM.: The Ithaca Police Department has confirmed it has a report of the vandalism on file and are investigating. IPD has taken an additional report on West State Street relating to vandalism seemingly perpetrated by the same individual responsible for the graffiti at City Hall. A second attempt at removing the vandalism by a professional cleaning service was unsuccessful at completely removing the spray paint from the stone.
UPDATE 5:13 PM.: The graffiti on City Hall has been partially removed. A request for comment from City Hall regarding pursuing criminal charges went unanswered.
Ithaca City Hall was spray painted along the Green street facing side at some point late Saturday or early Sunday morning by an unknown individual. This person is seemingly responsible for a multitude of graffiti, with nearly identical writing connecting messages scrawled elsewhere in the downtown area over a period of months.
Other messages scrawled in front of St. John’s Community Service and on buildings along State Street appear to be the work of the same individual. “LUCAS MONROE BEAT UP HIS GF ON THE CLOCK AND STILL HAS HIS JOB” & “LUCAS MONROE BEAT UP HIS GF WHILE ON THE CLOCK AT THE SHELTER BUT STILL HAS A JOB” were written on the sidewalk of St. John’s Community Service and the wall of the Kitchen Theater Company respectively.
Graffiti with a seemingly identical writing style was painted in multiple locations downtown two months ago; including the Salvation Army building on North Albany Street & in front of the former location of Lot 10 on South Cayuga Street.
The area graffitied on City Hall appears to be within frame of the security camera. It is unclear at this time if the City will be pursuing criminal charges against the perpetrator. This post will be updated.