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A bike thief stole a bike off a porch after using bolt cutters to cut its lock.

Bike Stolen From Porch in Brazen Theft

A bicycle was stolen from a porch in downtown Ithaca on December 13th, 2023. The thief cut through the bike’s lock with bolt cutters before making a quick escape.

A porch-mounted Nest camera captured the entire incident, revealing a hooded figure whose face was obscured. The thief appeared to be aware of the camera’s presence, suggesting a level of familiarity with the victim’s property. This, coupled with the speed of the theft, hints that this may not be the perpetrator’s first time engaging in such criminal activities.

The stolen bicycle, identified as a maroon ‘Salsa’ brand, is valued at over $1,000. The entire theft transpired in a mere 30 seconds.

The bike thief used red bolt cutters to quickly cut the bike’s lock.

Thefts of bicycles and other items from porches have become common in Ithaca. Many stolen bicycles end up in the ‘Jungle,’ a series of drug encampments that populate Ithaca’s West End.

The victim has reported the theft to police. According to the victim, law enforcement communicated that “there has been a major increase in theft lately.”

Anyone who may have information about this incident is asked to contact the Ithaca Police Department via the following means. Those who wish to remain anonymous may do so.

Police Dispatch: 607-272-3245
Police Administration: 607-272-9973
Police Tipline: 607-330-0000
Anonymous Email Tip Address:

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