The Tompkins County Republican Party has issued the following statement on protests against zero-COVID policies in China that are being referred to as the ‘White Paper Revolution.‘
The Tompkins County Republican Party wishes to express support for the uprisings against zero-COVID lockdowns in China, and condolences for the Uighurs burned to death after being sealed inside their homes in Urumqi. Protests in support of the White Paper Revolution have spread worldwide, including one organized by Chinese international students at Cornell University.
The students echoed the demands of their fellow citizens in China; the right to earn a living, provide for oneself and live freely. Chinese citizens are facing violence, repression and murder from their own government. As the stage is set for further violent crackdowns on protests and dissent, the Chinese Communist Party should know that the world is watching.
This caution extends to Cornell University, which has a major educational institution within mainland China. Cornell’s tens of thousands of mainland students & faculty suffer under the same brutal, authoritarian zero-COVID policy as the rest of China. We invite Cornell to join the call for an end to zero-COVID, and express solidarity with the protestor’s demands.
Tompkins County GOP
Cornell University Professor Eli Friedman recently spoke to Democracy Now! about the protests spreading across China.